Cafeteria Films and PwC have had a joint business relationship since 2014. We’ve worked on dozens of documentaries, case studies and high-end product videos with the firm and our relationship today remains as strong as ever.
As a prerequisite for working with a major consulting firm, we can’t share or talk about any of the awesome videos we’ve made or the big companies we’ve had an opportunity to work with. That’s the price you pay when you work with a company that tells the titans of industry how to be better titans.
Through this relationship, we’ve learned what it takes to make videos that inspire change in organizations that might resist it. We’ve learned to speak business and “high-level” and we’ve learned that C-level executives are generally very good interviewees.
When we work with our consultant partners, we do a deep dive on the specific problem and audience they’re trying to speak to. They know a lot about business and technology and we know a lot about making great videos. Together we make high-end corporate videos that speak directly to their audience and inspire the emotions and change that only movie magic can.
We’d love to tell you more about it, but you’re going to have to sign some confidentiality agreements first.
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